New Mini-Album: Mixed Seeds!
I’ve finally released a small handful of original piano-and-voice songs! This EP is a small step towards getting some of the dozen-or-more new songs I’ve written over the last few years out to the public ear. Give a listen at your leisure, and if you feel so inclined, get yourself a digital copy!
If you’d like to read more about it, you can find my liner notes & credits below the track list on the Bandcamp page :)
Here's the fun cover art I cobbled together from a photo I took in the spring, with a few of my wee bird sculptures searching for seeds atop my toy piano:

Many thanks also to those who have already shared and/or purchased the EP❣️
All the best,
~Kate 𓅫
Read more on the original Patreon post!
Certificate Dance, Painted Pants, Music Prance
Hiya folks!
Before I forget to mention it: I was selected as the winner of the bird-friendly window art contest! I'm honoured and excited to see what the design looks like blown up to window-size :)
In other news, here are some recent projects I worked on this month:
The Certificate:
August started with an art commission right off the bat, with a quick turn-around of a few days; a local farm was having an event and wanted to present a hard-working friend with a certificate of appreciation. They wanted something classic and professional, but with a folky touch and a memorable illustrated scene showing the recipient tilling the land, followed by the planting and growing of vegetables. Here's a peek at the result:

The Pants:
This project was just a personal whim, fuelled by needing summer pants but only owning a pair of drab light-grey pants from MEC that don't match with anything. I thought that they could use a paint job to at least make them more interesting. Then I got a bit carried away and what started as a simple idea grew into a more complex reality...

The Music:
I'm excited to announce that I'll be releasing a handful of my piano & voice songs on Bandcamp very soon! I'm aiming for this upcoming Bandcamp Friday, September 1st. They're all songs you've heard before here on my Patreon, but they've been edited, boosted & balanced this month, making them sound ✨shiny and new!✨
Update: ✨Here's the EP!!✨
Read more and see process pics on the original Patreon post!