

๐ŸŒž๐ŸŒต A Trip to Tucson ๐ŸŒด๐Ÿœ

Last month Seรกn and I spent a week exploring Tucson, Arizona & surrounding areas. We lucked out with great weather, delicious food and lots of exciting BIRDS (48 total species, 31 new-to-me)!

It was a lovely trip, and I was determined to try to chronicle it in an art travelogue from the beginning. It took longer than I expected (14+ days) but it was a fun project all in all, and really good practice for future trips!

See more spreads from the travelogue on the original Patreon post! ย 



Hey, Little Bird in the Bush..!

Happy March! It's my bird-day today. Here's a small song I wrote while on a walk in a park. It's about my wonderings about birds peeping, pecking and preening. If you like to read or sing along, here are the lyrics:

Listen to the rough-draft of this song on the original Patreon post! ย 



Doodle Dump Time!

I'm in the midst of taming the last year's-worth of various floor-piles: sketchbooks, loose papers, notepads full of ideas and other misc items that I thought were important enough to keep out just in case I felt like doing something with them (don't try this at home, it apparently doesn't work!).

While leafing through the masses, I thought to scan some of the random stream-of-consciousness doodles and share them with you, just for fun :)

I also found it interesting to re-visit my past doodle-dump posts: 2022 and 2020. Maybe you will too!

See more doodles on the original Patreon post.