⚘ 2023 ⚘


Return of the Humbug

This month I updated the Hummerneezer Xmas card from last year by making a full-colour digital version. Here's a peek at the printed detail:

I donated a bundle of the cards to Rocky Point Bird Observatory's holiday craft sale, and it's also up in my shop for those who want a jump on next year!

Onward, to 2024! Stay cozy and be good to yourselves!

See the full Humbug card spread on the original Patreon post.  



Star-struck in Japan

Seán and I had an action-packed, adventurous two weeks of exploring central Japan by train this month! It was very wholesome, filled with breathtaking visual scenes; sweet new friendships; great language & communication practice; cultural immersion; lovely music & soundscapes and delicious, healthy food.

There are too many stories to attempt to summarize here, but one highlight was witnessing a busy nectar-sipping bunch of my favourite insect that I wasn't sure I'd ever have the luck to see in person:

My fan art from 2020, and a photo I took of the real thing this month in Zushi, Kanagawa, Japan!

Three years ago I had digitally illustrated a comparison of the hummingbird hawk-moth, known in Japan as the ホウジャク (pronounced hōjaku) and our own rufous hummingbird, who share hovering abilities and both consume nectar from flowers. Needless to say I was star-struck when I happened upon half a dozen of these cuties feasting on some colourful lantanas! 🤩

Read the full story and see more pictures on the original Patreon post!