
🐸 Frog Log Sneak Peek!

Hi folks! Hope you've been enjoying the Autumn sights and scents ~ πŸ‚πŸ

Thought I'd share a work-in-progress peek at another educational french video that I'll be collaborating on again with my dad. This time, it's about the placement of a frog in relation to a hollow log: sur, sous, dans, devant, dernière, à côté de (on, under, in, in front of, behind, beside).


As may be apparent, I got a bit carried away drawing the various autumnal elements in the foreground, heheh...

Stay tuned for the final result!

In other news, I'm busy writing a batch of new songs, which has been a lot of fun! More on that eventually... 🎼 🐌

Happy Hallowe'en!

πŸŽƒ Kate πŸ¦‡